
When you contact the Webster Law office for legal representation, you are calling a skilled attorney who has successfully represented clients as a sole practitioner since 2007. I have the knowledge and experience you need to protect your rights during the adjudication of your case.

I make a point of always being completely honest with my clients. As your dedicated attorney, I will keep you fully informed and give you the honest, thorough feedback and opinions you need to make difficult decisions.

Why Choose Me?

  • Established in 2007, Webster Law Office is not afraid to go to trial for you; with over 150 tried cases we are prepared to fight.
  • We pride ourselves on providing excellent service, and we are the best at what we do!
  • We will fight to prove you are innocent.
  • We do not blindly accept offers.
  • We seek to get cases dismissed, or charges reduced.
  • We will not hesitate to take a case from arraignment to trial and every motion in between, if necessary.

Business Hours

Everyday: By Appointment Only.

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